Oklahoma - Poster, 1976


Oklahoma - Poster, 1976


29 November 1976


Poster for Nottingham Operatic Society's 1976 production of Oklahoma, their last show in the Theatre Royal before its major refurbishment.

What's the story?

Pictured holding the poster is David Hails, long-standing member of Nottingham Operatic Society and volunteer archivist for the Theatre Royal. In 2018, whilst sorting out a long-forgotten collection of posters at the back of the Theatre Royal archive room, David discovered this item and proudly exclaimed, "I was in this show!"
David remembers backstage as filthy and rusty, with a metal spiral staircase up to the men’s dressing rooms.
Nottingham Operatic Society’s president is given on the poster as Constance Shacklock. She was a local person who started out in the Nottingham Operatic Society, but went to London and became a professional opera singer. There is a plaque to her in the stalls foyer of the Theatre Royal., unveiled in 2017. She was the original Mother Abbess in ‘The Sound of Music’ and used her influence to get permission for Nottingham Operatic Society to put on the first amateur production of the show.



Location of item

Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall


Researchers: Miriam Jones & David Hails