Murder in the Cathedral - Programme, 1937


Murder in the Cathedral - Programme, 1937


3 May 1937


Full programme for Murder in the Cathedral by T.S. Eliot, starring Robert Speaight.

What's the story?

Concerning the assassination of archbishop Thomas Becket in Canterbury in 1170, Murder in the Cathedral is a verse drama by T.S. Eliot, first performed in 1935 as part of the Canterbury Festival in the Chapter House of Canterbury Cathedral.
The production moved to the Mercury Theatre in Notting Hill Gate in London, where it ran for several months, before going on a national tour, including the Theatre Royal Nottingham.
Actor Robert Speaight played the part of Becket in the original production and remained in the role for its first national tour.
This programme was donated to the Theatre Royal archive by a gentleman in Woking who writes:
“I thought you may be interested in having the enclosed programme – apparently from early 1937 – for your archives. It was discovered among my late father’s possessions so I assume he must have attended the production. He would have been 20 at the time and was actively involved in local theatre in and around Leicestershire and the East Midlands”.



Location of item

Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall Notingham


Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall Notingham


Researcher: David Longford