150th Anniversary Plaque - Photographs, 2015


150th Anniversary Plaque - Photographs, 2015


15 May 2015


Photographs for the unveiling of a plaque commissioned by Nottingham Civic Society to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Theatre Royal in 2015 and the work of its two major architects & designers, Charles J Phipps and Frank Matcham.

What's the story?

Nottingham Civic Society was founded in 1962 and aims to preserve and enhance the character of Nottingham, by advising and campaigning on the historic areas, buildings and public spaces in the city; good design in new developments and sustainability and quality of life in the city.
Their activities also include the production of a range of publications on Nottingham and its historic buildings and areas, a lecture programme, visits to places of local interest and the sponsorship of restoration and enhancement projects.
To mark the Theatre Royal’s anniversary in 2015, Nottingham Civic Society commissioned a plaque to honour the work of the theatre’s two architects and designers: Charles J Phipps who built the Theatre Royal in 1865 and Frank Matcham, who re-designed the venue in 1897.
Their names are on the plaque, along with the words … “This admirably appointed and beautiful edifice”
These words were spoken on the stage on the opening night of the Theatre Royal on 25 September 1865 by the theatre’s actor/manager Walter Montgomery, following the performance of his production of Sheridan’s The School for Scandal.
The plaque adorns the left side of the Theatre Royal’s iconic portico and was unofficially unveiled on 15 May 2015 by celebrated actor David Suchet, who was appearing at the Theatre Royal at the time, playing Lady Bracknell in Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest.



Location of item

Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall Nottingham


Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall Nottingham


Researcher: David Longford