Hair - Poster, 1974


Hair - Poster, 1974


2 December 1974


Poster for 1974 production of Hair, the Tribal Love-Rock Musical.

What's the story?

Described for this tour as ‘The Tribal Love-Rock Musical’ Hair was a genuinely ground breaking theatrical event, that celebrated the 1960s counter-culture movement.
It opened at the Shaftesbury Theatre in London on 27 September 1968, led by the same creative team as the Broadway production. The opening night was delayed until the abolition of theatre censorship in England under the Theatres Act 1968 so that the show could include nudity and profanity. It ran in London for 1,997 performances.
As well as the title song, Hair’s other songs include Aquarius and Good Morning Starshine.
June Wall, one of our heritage volunteers remembers seeing this production at the Theatre Royal :

"It was with great excitement I went to see Hair with three college friends in 1974. We were all 21 and living and breathing the hippy ideals of personal freedom. We were convinced that Flower Power and the peace movement would save the world. I can remember the buzz in the theatre from a mass of young people coming to see the show and hear their anthems. Most were dressed in colourful, flowing clothes, headbands and had long hair.
The show itself was full of colour, rhythm and optimism, with a wild streak of anti establishment fervour. The nude scene at the end was tastefully done with very low lighting. It seemed appropriate to the message of the show rather than shocking. Never the less it was a scene that we four friends talked about for weeks afterwards, it was only 1974!"



Location of item

Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall


Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall


Researcher: David Longford


26cm x 38.5cm