The Student Prince - Programme, 1945


The Student Prince - Programme, 1945


2 April 1945


Fold-out programme for Bernard Delfont production of the musical The Student Prince.

What's the story?

The Student Prince was first performed in 1924 with music by Sigmund Romberg and book and lyrics by Dorothy Donnelly.
Headlined ‘Feast for Eye and Ear at Royal’, the Nottingham Journal review on 3 April 1945 of this revival of The Student Prince stated …

“The fact that, at present, the beer gardens of Heidelberg are occupied by G.I.s instead of students with be-frogged tunics … need diminish by no whit the charm of the Old Heidelberg whose walls and turrets looped by a blue-green river and capped by the fleecy clouds of May, raise themselves on the stage of the Nottingham Theatre Royal this week … In the present production the appeal to the eye is, perhaps, a shade ahead of that to the ear – which is not to say that Carole Lynne, as Kathie, and Arthur Clarke as her Prince are not a successful vocal, as well as a decorative pair. It is merely that the effective sets, the really charming dresses of both the simple Gretchens and the ladies of the court, and the glitteringly lavish uniforms are an irresistible counter-attraction.”



Location of item

Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall Nottingham


Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall Nottingham


Researcher: David Longford