The Boys' Brigade: Nottingham Rock - Licensing Information, 1961


The Boys' Brigade: Nottingham Rock - Licensing Information, 1961


12 April 1961


Lord Chamberlain's licence for Nottingham Rock 1961 and receipt for said licence from Moss Empires / Theatre Royal.

What's the story?

Until 1968, all plays intended for public performance had to be submitted to the Lord Chamberlain’s Office for examination and licensing. This was necessary under the Stage Licensing Act of 1737 and the Theatres Act of 1843.
The Boys’ Brigade Nottingham Rock shows were no exception.
Having already been provided with the script, here we can see the licence provided by the Lord Chamberlain’s Office allowing “the performance of a new Stage Play, of which a copy has been submitted to me by you, being a Revue in 2 Acts, entitled ‘Nottingham Rock 1961’.
As it states, there were strict regulations attached to the provision of a licence, namely:
Any change of title must be submitted for the Lord Chamberlain’s approval.
No profanity or impropriety of language to be permitted on the Stage.
No indecency of dress, dance or gesture to be permitted on the Stage.
No objectionable personalities to be permitted on the Stage, nor anything calculated to produce riot or breach of the police.
No offensive representations of living persons to be permitted on the Stage.
Also, included here is the receipt from Moss Empires at the Theatre Royal to the Boy’s Brigade confirming the licence and script for Nottingham Rock 1961.


Performance Licence and Receipt

Location of item

Private Collection - The Boys' Brigade / Keith Vinerd


Private Collection - The Boys' Brigade / Keith Vinerd


Researcher: David Longford