The Boys' Brigade: Nottingham Rock - Newspaper Cover, 1969


The Boys' Brigade: Nottingham Rock - Newspaper Cover, 1969


3 May 1969


Front cover to the Nottinghamshire Guardian promoting the 1969 Boys' Brigade show.

What's the story?

The image shows the performers on the Theatre Royal stage with their Nottingham Rock (Castle) backdrop.
The headline reads: 'Now the BB take the stage'.
It later states: 'For a second time in a fortnight, the city's youth has been having its fling on the boards of Nottingham's Theatre Royal. Last week's Gang Show by the Scouts has given way this week to Nottingham Rock, a production which members of the local Boys' Brigade units have been giving for 50 years. When the curtain went up on Tuesday for this opening chorus, patrons saw the boys in splendid new outfits. The jerseys were red and the trousers were blue.'
Were you one of the boys in this picture? We love to hear from you with your memories of performing at the Theatre Royal.

In February 2019 the Theatre Royal received this message via email from Geoff Pinnington:
"Just a quick message to say I was a member of the chorus for The Boys Brigade Nottingham Rock Show.
I’m amazed to see myself on the newspaper photo of the chorus of 1969.
It was great fun to be a part of this.
I remember singing Nottingham Queen of the Midlands, here in the rock we survey, etc with actions, and we also performed songs from Camelot on that show too.
It was a great experience to see backstage and the dressing rooms of the stars and I remain very proud of the fact that I performed on the stage of this great theatre.
With kind regards and best wishes,
Geoff Pinnington
Former member of the 17th Nottingham (Beeston) Company, The Boys’ Brigade."


Newspaper cutting

Location of item

Private Collection - Boys' Brigade / Keith Vinerd


Private Collection - Boys' Brigade / Keith Vinerd


Researcher: David Longford