A Doll's House - Playbill, 1897


A Doll's House - Playbill, 1897


13 September 1897


Playbill advertising the visit of the Independent Theatre Company for three nights, performing Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House on Monday and Wednesday and 'an entirely original comedy', Candida, by George Bernard Shaw on Tuesday evening.

What's the story?

A Doll's House was the first play by the controversial Norwegian playwright to be produced in England, in 1889 - and that production starred Janet Achurch and Charles Charrington as Nora and Torvald Helmer. Despite a number of other Ibsen plays being produced in London in the following years, it was not until 1897 that A Doll's House toured to the provinces - by which time Achurch had famously played the part not just in London but, as the advertising for this tour noted, 'upwards of 200 Nights in America, India, Australasia, Egypt, &c.'

Touring in the UK was perhaps a more difficult prospect: in ‘The London Theatres’ report of 24 July 1897, The Era's reviewer of the 1987 production’s visit to The Grand Theatre, Islington noted that ‘To try Ibsen in Islington is a rather risky experiment, for suburban theatre-goers as a body fight shy of the Norwegian dramatist’s plays’. What then might the provincial audiences in Nottingham have made of them?



Location of item

Original held in Nottingham Local Studies Library; copy held at Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall.


Researcher: Jo Robinson