Love From A Stranger - Leaflet, 1938


Love From A Stranger - Leaflet, 1938


6 June 1938


Leaflet for thriller Love From A Stranger by Frank Vosper, the eighth play in a twenty-eight week season from Harry Hanson's Court Players

What's the story?

Love From A Stranger by Frank Vosper and presented by Harry Hanson’s Court Players was part of a long twenty-eight week season of plays presented by the company at the Theatre Royal.
At the end of the season one reviewer wrote:
“If we may judge by the scenes of enthusiasm witnessed at the Theatre Royal last night, when every seat was filled and those leaving the first house had difficulty in struggling through the ranks of those waiting to get in to the second performance, the last week of the Court Players’ long season is going make theatrical history in Nottingham.”
One of the actors in the company was Peter Cushing (1913 – 1994), who was to become more famous for his roles in the Hammer horror films of the 1950s, 60s, and 70s.
One review of Love From A Stranger stated:
“It would be most unfair to particularise further, but visitors to the Royal this week may rest assured that they will not be disappointed. Incidentally, they will see Marjorie Sommerville as a little country maid. Richard Burnett as the village doctor. Keith Lorraine as an old gardener and Peter Cushing as the man who really loved the too impulsive heroine.”
In his memoirs Cushing revealed that while he was in Nottingham he was able to meet his childhood hero, the Western star Tom Mix, who was performing next door in the Empire:
‘I was enthralled by the exploits of my favourite cowboy star and his wonderful white horse Tony. When I was five I used to draw my own strip cartoons and my hero was invariably Tom. It was then that my ambition to meet him, although little did I dream I would. But meet him I did 18 years later around 1938 when I was an actor myself. I was in a play at the Theatre Royal in Nottinghamshire, in the UK and Tom was appearing at the nearby House of Varieties with Tony, descended no doubt from the one he rode with such skill in those early films.
I called in to thank him for all the pleasure he'd given me. "That's real nice of you" he said "I wonder if you'd do me a favour - will you look over my contract for me and witness my signature?”. For Tom could neither read nor write. It's rather a nice feeling to think that perhaps there's a musty old document hidden away in some agent’s files bearing my autograph under his.’
Peter Cushing, The Complete Memoirs, 2013



Location of item

Private Collection: Trevor Lee


Private Collection: Trevor Lee


Researcher: Trevor Lee